Read This Before Using Utility Buckets in Your Brewery or Winery

Read This Before Using Utility Buckets in Your Brewery or Winery

With stricter FDA regulations in place, it’s time to make the right choice when it comes to the tools and containers you use in your brewery. With beer qualifying as food, you have FSMA, and potentially HACCP, requirements to follow to make sure you are compliant. 

Union Jack’s Product Battle Series kicks off with “The Bucket Battle” ... so, let’s talk buckets!

Increase your bucket IQ

Before you use (or continue to use) utility buckets in your brewery, consider the features of our hygienic buckets/pails. Available in multiple sizes, they work for both hot and cold substances. They are approved for food contact and color-coded for food safety. Plus, they are easy to clean – not only do they have smooth surfaces, but they are also autoclavable to kill bacteria, spores and germs resistant to boiling water and powerful detergents. They are also designed with functionality in mind. Features like the bottom handle and a rounded rim and wide, drip-free spout facilitate ergonomic, no-spill lifting and pouring. Optional click-on lids are designed with a stackable feature and keep contents protected. The flat side of these buckets prevents spillage and stores easily using the coordinating wall bracket. And, durable beveled measurements inside help you measure more accurately.

Utility buckets don’t measure up

While utility buckets may serve limited roles in your brewery, FDA approved materials are required for food contact -- like when working with your hops, grains and many other ingredients you are adding to your beer. Color-coding, even when not required, is a smart way to prevent cross-contamination when dealing with chemicals in your brewery. With 18% of beer recalls due to chemical contaminants, careful use of buckets is essential. Color-coding is also valuable for controlling allergen cross contamination, and even for separating use of buckets for activities like basic washdowns. A bucket program that clearly designates bucket use and meets FDA requirements will help ensure your brews are both delicious and safe.

Take a look at the comparison of our hygienic bucket with a common utility bucket.

Check out more details on our buckets and pails at

Union Jack -- Your Partner in FSMA /HACCP Compliance 

Oct 18, 2018

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