Ergonomic Cleaning & Material Handling: Why Tool Design Matters
Safety, efficiency and comfort are important factors when it comes to cleaning and material handling in industrial settings. Long hours performing specific and repetitive tasks have a physical and mental impact on employees. It’s critical to understand that tool design choice plays an important role in a workforce’s overall health and productivity. Investing in the right quality tools reduces injuries and increases productivity, offering long-term benefits to an organization.
Mar 09, 2025
Make Color-Coding Your Resolution
Color-coding is a simple way
to have a big impact on your facility’s food safety, sanitation and compliance.
Designating certain colors for tools based on different uses, processes or zones
is practical and offers a host of benefits. It prevents cross contamination
from allergens, pathogens, chemicals, and physical contaminants -- improving
quality control and reducing risk of product recall and related issues. It also increases efficiency by helping with tool organization/storage, too
Jan 16, 2024
Why EPDM Transfer Hoses are a Great Choice for your Brewery
EPDM stands for ethylene propylene diene monomer. It’s a synthetic
rubber that has quickly gained traction in breweries for use in transfer hoses.
EPDM has superior chemical, ozone/UV and temperature resistance. It offers substantial elastic
properties, making it extremely durable
and giving it a high degree of abrasion and tear resistance. EPDM rubber material is known to have better durability and physical strength than natural rubber. Add in the fact that EPDM is FDA/U
Jun 14, 2023
Don’t Let Dead Leg Contamination Thrive in Your Facility
Sanitation is critical in any food and beverage facility. It
is not only important for public safety and the quality of the products – it’s
the law. The FDA Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), a large piece of legislation
passed in 2011, put in place strict requirements for the food and beverage
industry focusing on the prevention of foodborne illness and death. Even with
these requirements in place, keeping facilities clean is a challenge. The CDC estimates
that each year 48 million peo
Sep 14, 2022
Vikan UST Brushware - The Ultimate in Hygienic Design
At Union Jack, we are committed to providing the best and
highest quality product options for all levels of FDA / Food Safety
Modernization Act (FSMA) compliance and Hazard Analysis and Critical Control
Points (HACCP) implementation. Ultra Safe Technology (UST) is Vikan’s latest
initiative to create the most secure, safe and hygienic cleaning tools for the
food and beverage industry. The UST product range is based on state of the art
technology and the only fully food contact compliant
Aug 26, 2021